First section : Territory and solidarity

Part one: Territory and solidarity

Towards a shared framework of reference: documenting the territorial approach to the organization of solidarity (follow-up to Lux’09 Workshop 7)

At international level :

April 25th 2009, the conclusions of Workshop 7 of Lux’09 were unanimous. If we are to balance or complete thematic approaches, the participants agreed that the territorial approach to local and regional initiatives should be included. This question will be placed at the top of the agenda for the 5th meeting of Globalisation of Solidarity in Asia in 2013. The Pactes Locaux have accepted the responsibility for developing this approach with the Asian Alliance for Solidarity Economy (AA4SE) andthe preparation of the “Manila 2013” meeting.

The first step was to participate in the Asian Forum on Solidarity Economy in Tokyo, November 2009. This was prepared using a trilingual electronic forum on the ALOE website.

“The practical dimensions of sharing experience and case studies …is the most important contribution to the Tokyo gathering. A number of these were regional or national experiences in the EU, the Philippines or based on the Korean national model. In addition the many stories from Malaysia, India, Nepal and Japan added reflections on different models and experiences. In the long run here too we must develop a framework for documentation, analysis and lessons learnt. Learning the methodology used by the Pactes-Locaux will be useful for us for the development of the learning journey at local level, incorporating local governance and democracy, the empowerment of local citizens, local development which is comprehensive rather than piecemeal.” Denison Jayasooria, President of the Asian Forum of Solidarity Economy.

At European level:

Lux’09 proves that other territories are interested in this mutualisation.. The Committee of the Regions has expressed their interest<> In June 2009 they adopted the idea of “multi-level governance”, as a guideline for the framework of the European project for 2020.

This section brings together French, European and international territorial experiences and showcases “case studies”, (c.f. attached form in three languages).


Initiating a collection process

Form attached (languages: French, English, Spanish)

Objective: Collect a first set of experience forms and begin defining a shared framework of reference to develop a policy based on “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”, coordinated at intercontinental level.

-  November 2010 : Documentation of recent experiences from the preparation of 2010 the European year for combating poverty and social exclusion: From Pactes Locaux to European P’Actes.
-  Early 2011: An evaluation and perspectivesbased on the initial experimental stage to be presented at the Asian Forum in Kuala Lumpur in 2011.

Intervention at The Forum de Kuala Lumpur :

DEFINITION OF “TERRITORY” ADOPTED DURING THE PREPARATORY FORUM of the Asian forum of solidarity economy (Tokyo, November 2009)

What do we mean by «territory»?

This term has different meanings dependent on languages and cultures. For us, a territory is a geographically based action system, where social, cultural and economic relations are organized: · between inhabitants that share a common heritage, a past and a future in a same area, that they inherited and have a destiny (whether native born, of adoption, migrants or visitors); · between organizations with multiple features (enterprises, local authorities, state, networks, mutual aid, sectors of production, etc,) · between these individuals and the organizations with a specific bio-geographical environment; · between all these components and larger ones (macro) of smaller ones (micro).

These systems of territorial relations are necessarily open and connected to the outside. For in today’s world, interdependence has increased. Solving concrete problems such as housing, food, development, infrastructure, services, employment, use of natural resources, the allocation of resources, etc., must take into account: Constraints and opportunities of production and distribution of globalized goods and services; Shortcomings of current international governance in the organization of a fair, just and appropriate territorial management of natural and cultural resources «the global common goods and shared values» and the flows of all kinds that are appropriate to the diversity of different situations (ecosystems, overcrowded metropolitan areas, vulnerable territories, etc.); Territorial governance must also create new types and forms of organization (institutional, economic, social but also cross-cutting, financial, fiscal, technical, etc...)

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