Section II: European P’Acts
The Association contributes to the achievement of its objectives as :
Members of Rio+20 Collective wich has beento preparing the Earth Summit (2012), since 2011.
Founding members of the European Network of Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS Eu), since 2011
As Observers the monitoring 2020 strategy platform of the Committee on European Regions, since 2011
Continued support of the FPH (Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, France, Switzerland).
An General Meeting (Paris) decided to enlarge the project to an European level. Was change the Association’s name becomes P’ACTES Européens (French) and European P’ACTS (English) and added the following definition : "From Local to Global : Building Europe".
The Association undertakes the preparation of a Grundtvig Project "Learning partnerships"(2) with the participation of seven countries: Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg Portugal, Scotland. Title : Learning and Cooperation Platform towards European Territories in which Solidarity prevails
Participation in the RIO+20 Collective in Porto Alegre (Brazil) for the launch of the Citizens Summit.
(1) See:
(2) The Grundtvig Learning Partnership is a framework for practical co-operation activities between organisations working in the field of adult learning in the broadest sense - formal, non-formal or informal.
The Association represented by Priscila Soares (Portuguese), participated in the first meeting of the Organizing Committee (RIPESS Europe).
Priorities of the 2012-2013 agreement with the FPH and the Association decisions for strengthening the network to "build a convergence of objectives and approach organizations in activities undertaken jointly" in France, Europe and including Intercontinental Social and Solidarity Economy relations (Manila, Philippines, 2013).
Berlin Meeting : General Assembly. The Association membership included 12 members from 7 European countries.
Berlin Meeting opened a new cycle of « Learning Journeys » (LJ) events, which will be more open to Europe English speakers. The meeting was an opportunity to improve understanding and discuss the future launch of the Grundtvig Project.
The working Groups were well structured and articulated themes and practices. Discussions were used to present different approaches to similar problems.
Berlin Meeting emphasized the relevance of the triptych of practice, theory and policy. This was a memorable innovative approach.
_(3)See: 21 mars 2012 Lancement des P’actes Européens à Berlin
Skype Meeting of RIPESS Europe : decisions takes on priority of activities for 2012.
Newsletter sent to European P’acts List (600 registered), sharing information that reflect a positive trend on European Union employment policies.
Inter-ESS Group meeting of the European Parliament for European policies for economic alternatives" opened by the European Commissioner Michel Barnier.
Article published (French/English) in the IHECS (Institute of Advanced Studies of Social Communications) Newsletter in Brussels ; sent to the European Networks to promote the signing on RIO+20 meeting propositions.
Response to the Committee of European Regions Survey on "the new common strategic framework 2014-2020": The interesting project is facing a crisis of legitimacy.
Skype Meeting of RIPESS Europe : first Newsletter, RIO+20 meeting delegation.
« RIO+20 extended » (June 20th): “Acts and projects for territorial anchoring and democratic participation in sustainable development”, three hours of dialogue between interested public from 5 regions in France and Brazil, demonstrating the working participants’ expertise, using communication technology and freeware.
A horizontal cross-membership between the Europeans P’acts and ADEPES (Regional Agency for Development and Promotion of the Solidarity Economy in Midi-Pyrenées) is formalized at the General Assembly (June 29) reflecting the existence of partnerships, initiated at the LUX’09 meeting (2009) between the two neighboring regions and within RIPESS Europe.
The 6th Summer University of Montpellier DIDERIS (Continuing Education, Univ. Montpellier1) "Territories, economic and social issues: commitment of those already involved ". CRES (Regional Chamber of Social Economy) and European P’acts prepared and facilitated the Workshop.
Positive response to the Grundtvig Project application: Germany, Scotland, France, Italy, Luxembourg confirmed; Ireland, Italy, Portugal awaited.
Launch the series of meetings: 3 to 5 October in Poitiers.
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