Links > sustainable development and ecological debt

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The WSSE is the network from which the ALOE network emerged. The website includes an important number of general documents, or other more specific from different sectors of solidarity economy (Vision of a SE, Indicators, Fair Trade, Solidarity Finance, Social Money, Women and Economy, Social Responsibility, International regulations, Environmental Justice, Ecological Debt and Sustainable Development). 5 years of archives showing the wealth of reflexion on solidarity economy at the international level.

The Environmental Investment Organisation, generally referred to as the EIO, operates as an independent “out of the box” think tank with a remit to research, propose, and implement effective strategies for improving the ecological and ethical “output” of the Financial System.

It was established in 1996 to work alongside the then newly formed London School of Economics Environmental Initiatives Network (EIN).

It launched the Carbon Ranking and subsequent Environmental Tracking Index Series® an adaptation of the traditional index fund model which influences on ivesting on companies with lesser environmental impact, an investment system that causes serious environmental harm being a bad investment.

The question since the establishment of the EIO has been how to organise those investors to recognise and use their influence over the investment system.

CEECEC (Civil Society Engagement with ECological EConomics) is a European Commission FP7 funded project that aims to enable Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to engage in and lead collaborative research with ecological economists. The overall focus is not on theory but on case study learning, whereby CSOs and academics will identify and explore key issues for research in areas such as water management, mining, energy, forestry and agriculture, based on CSO needs and interests. The end result will be online materials and a handbook in several languages explaining the principles, the tools and the methods of Ecological Economics for CSOs and the general public.

The Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED) works to empower Northern civil society in creating and protecting sustainable communities and societies world-wide.

ANPED’s main focus is on sustainable consumption and production, the use of goods and services responding to basic human needs and bringing a better quality of life, while minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle, so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations.

See their publications at
Download the ANPED publication Social and Community Enterprise. A European perspective in pdf.

Author, Independent Futurist, Worldwide syndicated columnist, Advocate for and consultant on equitable ecologically sustainable human development and socially responsible business and investment.

Hazel Henderson is the founder of Ethical Markets Media, LLC and the creator and co-executive Producer of its TV series. She is a world renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, a worldwide syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable development, and author of The Axiom and Nautilus award-winning book Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (2006) and eight other books. She co-edited, with Harlan Cleveland and Inge Kaul, The UN: Policy and Financing Alternatives, Elsevier Scientific, UK 1995 (US edition, 1996).

The Club of Rome essential mission is "to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public." Its activities should: "adopt a global perspective with awareness of the increasing interdependence of nations. They should, through holistic thinking, achieve a deeper understanding of the complexity of contemporary problems and adopt a trans-disciplinary and long-term perspective focusing on the choices and policies determining the destiny of future generations."

In 1972 the first report to the Club of Rome: "The Limits to Growth" demonstrated the contradiction of unlimited and unrestrained growth in material consumption in a world of clearly finite resources and had brought the issue to the top of the global agenda.

It all starts off when a small collection of motivated individuals within a community come together with a shared concern: how can our community respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change?

They begin by forming an initiating group and then adopt the Transition Model (explained here at length, and in bits and here) with the intention of engaging a significant proportion of the people in their community to kick off a Transition Initiative.

Videos you can watch: +

The mission of the Sustainable Earth alliance is to help the development of more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable societies.

To do so, Sustainable Earth acts to strengthen the capacity of civil society to resist, to speak out, criticize, analyze, exchange, propose, supervise, create and manage, in certain scenarios issues of concern.

Transition Town initiatives are bringing people together out of a desire to explore how we - and our communities - can respond to the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil. We know we don’t have all the answers but we believe we have the innovation to create those solutions.

Each transition group networks with their local community on a coordinated range of projects designed to transition from high energy to low energy lifestyles in a positive and creative manner. Our aim is to re-localise our communities, making them vibrant, resilient and truly sustainable.

A substantial number of towns (Islands, Suburbs, Communities, Regions) are working on peak oil and climate change education, and localisation initiatives in New Zealand.

Ecological economics exists because a hundred years of disciplinary specialization in scientific inquiry has left us unable to understand or to manage the interactions between the human and environmental components of our world. While none would dispute the insights that disciplinary specialization has brought, many now recognize that it has also turned out to be our Achilles heel. In an interconnected evolving world, reductionist science has pushed out the envelope of knowledge in many different directions, but it has left us bereft of ideas as to how to formulate and solve problems that stem from the interactions between humans and the natural world.

ISEE holds a biennial conference on even numbered years. More on the conference, "ISEE2008 NAIROBI: APPLYING ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS FOR SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY"

Post Carbon Institute conducts research, develops technical tools, educates the public, and organizes leaders to help communities around the world understand and respond to the challenges of fossil fuel depletion and climate change.

You can view as well articles and videos on relocalization and local money.

Think tank on local economies and local currencies, as a transition to an economically and ecologically sustainable society. See its newsletter.

A whole section is dedicated to local currencies and in particular to the Berkshares experience, in Massachussetts, atool for community economic revitalization.

Site of the Tilburg Declaration, Jan 08, debating a possible change towards a more sustainable economy based on solidarity.

BALLE seeks to build community wealth by catalyzing, connecting, and strengthening local business networks dedicated to building Living Economies.

Annual Conference (keynote of the 2007 conference)

The main aim of the project is to explore the role of ecology and environmental ideas in the context of contemporary society, international politics and global economics, and to begin to assess the implications for our understandings of fairness, justice and global citizenship. The project is built around an annual conference.

The E.F. Schumacher Society reprints "Buddhist Economics," Fritz Schumacher’s classic essay widely understood as a call for an economics of peace.