2-4 March 2009
Asymmetric Monies: Revisiting Global Monetary History from the Viewpoints of Complementarity and Viscosity
Symposium at The University of Tokyo, Japan


Day one 2nd March
Akinobu Kuroda
Comparison of currencies, local credits and monetary accounts between China, Japan, and England in early modern period.
Commented from the viewpoint of liquid dynamics by Katsuhiro Nishinari

Georges Depeyrot (CNRS-EHESS)
Rome and the unit of account

Richard von Glahn (UCLA)
Monies of account and monetary transition in China, twelfth to fourteenth centuries

Sushil Chaudhury (U of Calcutta)
Multiple currencies and their complementary relationship: the Indian scenario – early modern era-

Day two 3rd March
Massimo Amato (Bocconi U)
From liquidness to liquidity: the commodification of money in the financial fairs of early modern Europe

Jérôme Blanc (LEFI)
Beyond the competition approach to money: a conceptual framework applied to the Early modern France

Anders Ögren (Stockholm SE-U Paris X)
Imaginary or real: Christiernin’s theory on unit of accounts and money

Torbjörn Engdahl (Stockholm SE)
The introduction of units of account in colonial Africa: What was the function of a currency standard?

Willem Wolters (U of Nijmegen)
Monetary crisis in the Philippine Islands during the last decades of Spanish rule in de 19th century: problems of money of account and exchange rates

Day three 4th March
Patrice Baubeau (U Paris X)
The monetization process and the question of the anchor of the unit of account: the case of the substitution from bills to banknotes in 19th century France

John A. James (U of Virginia)
Wall Street to Main Street? The Increasing Centrality of New York City in the U.S. Payments System and the Propagation of Panics after 1893

Luca Fantacci (Bocconi U)
How to make liquidity liquid: gold and currency plans at the end of World War II

Bruno Théret, (CNRS – IRISES, université Paris Dauphine)
Between uniqueness of the unit of account and plurality of means of payment, the need for money to be instituted and a set of money-ing rules (with an illustration on the case of fiscal provincial monies in 2001-2003 Argentina fs open monetary crisis)

General discussion
Hans Ulrich Vogel (U of Tübingen) Comment