Celebrating and Expanding the Ethical and Sustainable Economy
Goals and Objectives
Main Activities
1. Tradeshow booths and displays from groups all over the world that are:
2. Symposium and Workshops
In collaboration with conference participants, IATP will organize an exciting program of workshops and roundtable sessions addressing a broad range of Fair Trade issues (e.g. Indigenous trade, marketing strategies, impacts on small producers of global trading practices like dumping, trends in ethical consumption, gender dimensions of Fair Trade, government procurement, lessons from certification programs, relationships to ISO, ILO, WTO, etc.). There will be a special track tailored to the needs of producer groups and the special role of Fair Trade in Mexico will be featured. Each day of the conference, visionaries and special guests will be invited to attract media and diverse participants.
3. Press Conference Facilities and Global Internet Radio Broadcasting
Extensive media outreach will be carried out prior to and during the event.
A designated room will be available for media events and Fair Trade-related announcements, including but not limited to:
Our Internet radio station "cancunradio.org" will cover press conferences and events in English and Spanish.
4. Local Fair Trade Events
In addition to the Cancun activities, community organizations and student groups are planning local Fair Trade events around the time of the WTO to promote Fair Trade in their regions and to create opportunities for talking about trade issues to media, policymakers, and the public.
For info:
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Kari Hamerschlag, kariham@earthlink.net; 510-207-7257,
Jerónimo Pruijn, Comercio Justo Mexico, jeronimo@laneta.apc.org, 525-555-140-266, www.comerciojusto.com.mx;
Isabelle St Germaine, Equiterre, Quebec, Canada, istg@equiterre.qc.ca, 1-514-522-2000 x222