May 29 and 30, 2013
World Summit of Solidarity Finance: Promoting economic and inclusive justice
Oaxaca, México

Programme Inaise 2013 Oaxaca
(PDF - 388.9 kb)

The International Association of Investors in the Social Economy, INAISE and the Latin American and Caribbean Forum for Rural Finance, FOROLACFR, organize the World Summit of Solidarity Finance called “Promoting Economic and Inclusive Justice” to be held Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 May 2013, in Hotel Misión de Los Angeles. OAXACA, OAX. CP 68050, Mexico

INAISE, created in 1989, and FOROLACFR, established in 2002, bring both entities and actors involved in social change through their action in the financial area. INAISE organizes its annual conference for the first time in Latin America.


The Summit will address four topics that articulate the challenges and issues of social and solidarity finance:

1. The deployment of solidarity financial services and contingencies of their development: regulatory frameworks, control of rates and institutional sovereignty, financial inclusion and development banks, mobilization and management of savings.

2. Security / sovereignty of food, rural economic development and financial services: rural finances, family farming and peasant economies, agricultural and financial public policies for food production, value chains and local development.

3. The issues of economic relations and social ties: poverty, food insecurity, vulnerability, territorial development, innovations, financing access to water, solidarity finance and public goods (education, health and housing).

4. Climate change and impacts for solidarity financial services: financing access to sustainable and renewable energy, financing ecological and social transition, articulating catastrophe and agriculture insurance.